The best courses using Primobolan


Primobolan (active ingredient – methenolone) is a steroid that largely coincides in principle of action and effectiveness with masteron, but there are still some differences. The drug comes in two forms – injections and tablets.

Positive properties

  • Creating muscle relief
  • Increasing strength indicators
  • Saving the gained weight
  • Minimum rollback after the end of the cycle
  • Excellent for drying
  • It is considered the safest AS and combines well with testosterone.

Steroid Profile

  • The working component of the drug (methenolone) is active for fourteen days from the moment of administration.
  • The drug has anabolic and androgenic properties in a ratio of 88 to 44 in comparison with testosterone.
  • Since there is no estrogenic activity in the steroid, the side effects of this type do not appear on the course.
  • Primobolan does not have progestogenic activity.
  • The speed of the aromatization process is zero.
  • It is not able to convert to dihydrotestosterone.
  • It is able to slightly suppress the production of endogenous male hormone.
  • The metabolites of the steroid can be detected for about five months.

Courses with primobolan

Many athletes do not carefully study reviews about primobolan and the properties of anabolic. They complain that they have not gained weight at all, when the goal of the steroid is precisely to consolidate the already existing result, given that the phenomenon of rollback is of minimal importance. This is not the anabolic on which you can gain tens of kg. Thus, it is better to include it in the cycle at the end, not the beginning. The primobolan course itself lasts an average of eight weeks, the dosage should be calculated individually for everyone to reduce the risk of side effects to zero. Basically, the average dosage of primobolan in bodybuilding is 300-400mg per week.

Primobolan injections can still boast a relatively low price and increased efficiency. It’s no secret that primobolan depot was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite steroid. This AC is rightfully considered safe and at the same time effective both for drying and for gaining muscle mass.

Just as in the case of masteron, it is advised to combine it with various other drugs in order to gain maximum muscle mass and get a high-quality, beautiful relief. For example, you can additionally take a course of testosterone, nandrolone, sustanon, anadrol or methandrostenolone. Since the reviewed anabolic is considered mild, its use by women is also permissible.

If you are undergoing a drying course, then Winstrol will be a good help. This anabolic steroid has proven its effectiveness and has an insufficiently high price. Often you can find low-quality primobolan at a very low cost, there will definitely be no effect from the course, but you can once again put your liver at risk because there will not be methenolone, but a cheaper steroid, for example, masteron. By the link you can find a wide range of Primobolan from the best manufacturers.

By weight: Primobolan + Nandrolone decanoate

The combination of primobolan with nandrolone decanoate allows you to gain a lot of excellent quality. According to experts in the field of sports medicine, this cycle can be considered one of the safest.

  • From the 1st to the 7th week — nandrolone decanoate is administered in an amount of 0.4 grams (weekly dose).
  • From the 1st to the 7th week — take primobolan 0.3 grams (weekly dosage).
  • From the 2nd to the 9th week — every fourth day, consume 0.4 milligrams of cabergoline.
  • For quality: Primobolan + testsoteron enanthate
  • Practically similar results can be achieved thanks to the combination of primobolan with long esters of testosterone.
  • From the 1st to the 8th week — primobolan is administered in an amount of 0.3 grams (weekly dose).
  • From the 1st to the 8th week — testosterone enanthate is administered in an amount of 0.5 grams (weekly dose).
  • From the 2nd to the 9th week — every second day, consume 0.5 milligrams of anastrozole.

For drying: primobolan + winstrol

Use the first steroid according to the scheme indicated above, and put 50 milligrams of Winstrol every day. The effectiveness of the course will be increased if testosterone propionate is introduced into its composition at a dosage of 100 mg / day.

On drying and the quality of the mass: oxandrolone + primobolan + testosterone propionate
This steroid course with primobolan is especially loved by fighters and sprinters. The effect is an increase in a small amount of mass, a large increase in endurance and strength. The cycle length is from 6 to 8 weeks on average and then PKT or bridge. All three steroids are taken simultaneously throughout the course in the following dosages:

  • Testosterone Propionate 50 or 100mg every other day
  • Oxandrolone 50mg daily
  • Primobolan 100mg every other day.

For convenience, you can mix the steroid primobolan and testosterone propionate in one syringe.

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